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Image de Rich Tervet


D.SIGN offers courses to train you on subjects related to Space Harmonization. You will thus be able to have all the keys in hand in order to continue to maintain my work carried out at your place.


I offer three courses of different levels on dowsing.


But what is it?

Dowsing, formerly called rhabdomancy or even sourcery, is (according to the definition of Abbé Bouly) the belief in the faculty of discovering, thanks to the pendulum or the rods, what is hidden from the normal faculties but whose existence is real. .



You will have the opportunity to discover more during the courses which are as follows:


- Level 1 : Initiation in Dowsing

This course is there to teach you the basics of dowsing. We will discuss several topics to better understand this practice. The objective : to develop everyone abilities and knowledge using theoretical, practical, questions/answers and course material.



- Level 2 : Treatments with the pendulum

This course is there to teach you how to energize elements using the pendulum, as well as how to provide yourself with energy care. We will address several themes in order to best develop your practice. This training is intended for people who have taken the introductory course or who have knowledge of the practice of the pendulum.



- Level ;3 : Geobiology using the pendulum

This course is there to teach you how to use the pendulum in geobiology. We will mainly work on dials and on plans. We will address several themes in order to best develop your practice. This training is intended for people who have taken the introductory course and level2.




100.- face-to-face with certificate

50.- in PDF version without certificate

Space Clarification

I offer training divided into five modules. You have the possibility to take them in pack of or individually.


It takes place in small groups or individual sessions depending on registrations. Some modules are available individually as pdf lessons. A certificate is provided at the end of the modules.

*Individual lesson in pdf format without certificate: module 1 / 2 / 3.

Pack of 5 modules with a preferential price of 400.- instead of 500.- for a total of about 12 hours.



But what is it?

Space clarification, also called energy cleaning, cleans the memory of the walls of a place, the residue of bad energy (disputes, anger, sadness, suicide, etc.), etc.



- Module 1 : The energies

Know better what energy is.​

Energy is the engine of the world! If it is invisible most of the time, its effects are everywhere. Energy is the very essence of our universe.



- Module 2 : Protection

Know how to protect yourself energetically.

As humans, we are bound to be affected by the moods and energies of others. It is never easy to be confronted with negativity.



- Module 3 : The art of the essential

See sorting and storage with a different eye.

Storage allows you to sort at home but also in you. It's more than just hardware storage. It touches on the spiritual realm.



- Module 4 : Clarification

Knowing how to do an energetic cleansing on oneself and at home.

Clarification occurs as a bioenergetic cleaning that cleans all that our "engines" emanate and create as an agglomeration of energy deposits in our living and working spaces.



-Module 5 :Cleansing

Know techniques for purifying a space.

This ritual restores a harmonious energy between a place and those who occupy it. It is an essential ritual for a better quality of life. Especially in our homes which should be a place of relaxation and rejuvenation, a space where we put down our armor and weapons, in complete confidence.







1 module: 80.- (support included)

1 PDF lesson: 50.- (modules 1, 2 and 3)

Pack 5 modules: 320.- instead of 400.-

Reservation and Information

Would you like to have more information on one of the training courses or to register?


I suggest a discovery call to answer your questions.


You can also book your dates directly.


Chemin de Blandonnet 8,

1214 Vernier


Tel: +41 76 493 08 21


Thanks !

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